Monday, June 8, 2009

Rare sighting

Its been far too long since I have posted on this blog and for that I apologise. My only excuse is that I have been incredibly busy.

One camera survey has now been completed and there are only 10 days left on the second. The second spoor survey is also underway and should be finished by the end of July or thereabouts. Although if the unseasonal weather continues (as I write it is raining - in June!!) it might take a little longer.

Anyway - what prompted me to finally post to this blog again was this photograph I got the week before last on one of the farms I am now camera trapping on.

For those of you who don't know it is a Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes) and is quite rare. It is the only picture of one that I have got in over five months of camera trapping in this area so it is quite a find.

The camera surveys have turned up a total of four leopards - one male, two females and a sub-adult. Quite a few cheetah, several caracal and African wild cat, a lot of brown hyaena and a huge number of black-backed jackal.

Away from work - I went on a trip to the Central Kalahari Game Reserve with some friends last month and we had an amazing 23 lion sightings. Not all in one group either but several different prides and also a mating pair. Here are a couple of photos.

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